Package 'document'

Title: Run 'roxygen2' on (Chunks of) Single Code Files
Description: Have you ever been tempted to create 'roxygen2'-style documentation comments for one of your functions that was not part of one of your packages (yet)? This is exactly what this package is about: running 'roxygen2' on (chunks of) a single code file.
Authors: Andreas Dominik Cullmann [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Andreas Dominik Cullmann <[email protected]>
License: BSD_2_clause + file LICENSE
Built: 2025-03-08 03:45:56 UTC

Help Index

Document a Single R Code File


Have you ever been tempted to create roxygen2-style documentation comments for one of your functions that was not part of one of your packages (yet)? This is exactly what this package is about: running roxygen2::roxygenize on (chunks of) a single code file.
This package enables you to

  1. create function documentation with roxygen2

  2. detect code/documentation mismatches

  3. save the documentation to disk

  4. view the documentation in your interactive R session

You will probably be looking for document and man, the remaining functions are mainly for internal use.


R is a programming language that supports and checks documentation for program libraries (called ‘packages’). The package roxygen2 provides a tool for creating documentation from annotated source code - much like doxygen, javadoc and docstrings/pydoc do.

And R is a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics, used by people like me who start out hacking down code, eventually pouring chunks of code into functions (and sometimes even ending up creating and documenting packages). Along that work flow you cannot use R's documentation system, let alone roxygen2, unless you have come to forge your code into a package.

I am fully aware of the fact that roxygen2 is meant to document packages, not single code chunks. So should you. Nevertheless I feel the temptation to use roxygen2-style comments in code chunks that are not part of any package. And to convert them to pdf for better readability.


This package writes to disk, so never run as superuser.


This package is basically a wrapper to

  1. roxygen2. It internally creates a temporary package from the code file provided (using utils::package.skeleton) which it then passes to roxygen2::roxygenize.

  2. R CMD commands run by callr.

See Also

docstring ( also creates temporary help pages as well but using a different technical approach (allowing you to view them in the RStudio help pane). But it creates them from python style docstring-like comments it then parses into roxygen2. And it does not write to file so far.

Document (Chunks of) an R Code File


Document (Chunks of) an R Code File


  working_directory = NULL,
  output_directory = tempdir(),
  dependencies = NULL,
  sanitize_Rd = TRUE,
  runit = FALSE,
  check_package = TRUE,
  check_as_cran = check_package,
  stop_on_check_not_passing = check_package,
  clean = FALSE,
  debug = TRUE,



The name of the R code file to be documented.


A working directory. Keep the default.


The directory to put the documentation into. You might want to use dirname(file_name).


A character vector of package names the functions depend on.


Remove strange characters from Rdconv?


Convert the text received from the help files if running RUnit? Do not bother, this is for Unit testing only.


Run R CMD check the sources? See Note below.


Use the --as-cran flag with R CMD check?


Stop if R CMD check does not pass?


Delete the working directory?


For internal use only: Summarize errors for travis?


Arguments passed to get_lines_between_tags.


A list containing


The path to the pdf file produced,


The path to the text file produced,


The path to the html file produced,


The return value of rcmdcheck::rcmdcheck()


One of the main features of R CMD check is checking for code/documentation mismatches (it behaves pretty much like doxygen). No build system can check whether your documentation is useful, but R CMD check checks if it is formally matching your code. This check is the basic idea behind document. The possibility to disable the R CMD check is there to disable CPU consuming checks while testing the package. Stick with the default! And do not forget to export your functions using the line
#' @export
should you provide examples.


res <- document(file_name = system.file("files", "minimal.R",
                                        package = "document"),
                check_package = FALSE) # this is for the sake of CRAN cpu
                # time only. _Always_ stick with the default!

# View R CMD check results. If we had set check_package to TRUE in the above
# example, we now could retrieve the check results via:
cat(res[["check_result"]][["output"]][["stdout"]], sep = "\n")
cat(res[["check_result"]][["output"]][["stderr"]], sep = "\n")

# Copy docmentation to current working directory.
# This writes to your disk, so it's disabled.
# Remove or comment out the next line to enable.
if (FALSE)
    file.copy(res[["pdf_path"]], getwd())

Display a Help Page From a File's Documentation


Display a help-like page from an existing R documentation (*.Rd) file, a topic from a temporary package with options("document_package_directory") set or a topic from an R code file containing roxygen2 documentation.


man(x, topic = NA, force_Rd = FALSE)



One of the following:

  • A path to an R documentation (*.Rd) file.

  • A path to a code file containing comments for roxygen2.

  • A help topic if options("document_package_directory") is set (by document).


A help topic if x is a path to a code file containing comments for roxygen2.


if x is a file's path, then is_Rd_file is used to decide whether the file is an R documentation file and call document otherwise. Set to TRUE to disable this check and force the file to be assumed to be an R documentation file. is_Rd_file may produce false negatives.


Invisibly the status of display_Rd.


document::document(file_name = system.file("files", "minimal.R",
                   package = "document"), check_package = FALSE)
# this equivalent to
path <- system.file("files", "minimal.R", package = "document")
document::man(x = path, topic = "foo")

Return the Usage of a Function From Within the Function


Get a usage template for a function from within the function. If you encounter misguided usage, you can display the template.


usage(n = -1, usage = FALSE)



A negative integer giving the number of from to frames/environments to go back (passed as which to Set to -2 if you want to encapsulate the call to usage into a function (like print or assign) within the function you want to obtain the usage for. Use the <- assignment operator with the default, see examples below.


Give this functions usage (as a usage example ...) and exit?


A character string giving the Usage as help would do.


# usage with assignment operator:
foo <- function(x) {
    u <- usage()
    message("Usage is: ", u)

# usage without assignment operator:
bar <- function(x) {
    message(usage(n = -2))